5 Common Causes of Low Testosterone

1- Body Fat
It’s unclear as to the relationship between testosterone and body fat, but it is clear that there is a strong correlation. Low testosterone may make it slightly more difficult to lose excess body fat but if your goal is to maximize your body’s production of testosterone you will need to make sure you don’t have excess body fat. It should also be noted that in most circumstances being too lean can also cause a depletion of testosterone. While optimum body fat levels differ depending on your genetics, most men should keep their body fat between 7-15%.
2- Depletion of Key Micronutrients
Being deficient in micronutrients (i.e. vitamins & minerals) can have a myriad of negative effects on your health, one of which, being decreased testosterone production. If you suspect that you may be deficient in any micronutrients you can always ask your doctor to run a full nutritional blood panel for you. Correcting dietary deficiencies is the easiest way to optimize your testosterone and health but it is very difficult to accurately correct without blood work.
3- Stress & Cortisol Levels
Chronic high stress is detrimental to a man’s health especially his testosterone. In a study done by The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism,
“Elevation of circulating cortisol resulting from insulin-induced hypoglycemia or the administration of hydrocortisone was followed by a rapid decrease in serum testosterone levels, without accompanying changes in LH (Luteinizing Hormone) or PL (Prolactin).”
This is why supplements like TestMax HD are geared toward lowering cortisol in order to indirectly increase testosterone. But let me be very clear, if you have elevated stress and cortisol levels, supplementation can be effective but it is more important to address the root cause of your stress. For many men, high cortisol levels are caused by insufficient sleep.
4- Sleep
Inadequate sleep is the cause of many of the ailments men face, and unfortunately, society has told us that it is somehow more manly to pushing through the day while being exhausted. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. In fact, one study showed a 14.9% reduction in total testosterone in just one week of sleep deprivation (5-hours of sleep per/night), and while testosterone is the focus of this article, it is only one of many health biomarkers negatively affected. So if you want to optimize your testosterone and health be sure to get 8-9 hours of quality sleep.
5- Exercise
Heavy resistance training with free weights has been shown to increase both testosterone and growth hormone (GH) post exercise. And while admittedly, exercise does not significantly increase serum testosterone levels it will improve lean muscle mass, energy, sleep quality, mood, libido and sexual performance. All of which are main factors men wish to improve when trying to increase their testosterone.
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